DOSM 市场销售总监
双休 五险 公积金 工作餐 免费培训 包吃 节日礼物 技能培训
  • 职位类别高级管理 - 总监/部门经理
  • 招聘性质全职
  • 所在区域铜山万达
  • 性别要求性别不限
  • 学历要求大专
  • 经验要求3-5年
  • 招聘人数1人
联系电话 投递简历后可见联系方式
1.向总经理提供专业的建议及行政上的支持,以达到酒店的战略目标;Provides a professional, advisory and executive support to the General Manager in meeting strategic goals. 2.参与开拓和实施酒店和部门的政策规定;Participates in the development and implementation of policies and procedure for the department and hotel. 3.在酒店指导方针指引下,协助总经理规划年度预算,制定市场战略及促销计划;Plans and develops annual budget, marketing strategies and promotion plans with General Manager based on hotel and corporate guidelines. 4.设定并达到酒店目标,销售及预算收入;To set and meet hotel objectives, sales target and budgeted revenues. 5.开拓和实施酒店市场销售计划;Development and implement hotel’s Sales and Marketing plans. 6.制定酒店价格策略及销售目标; Establishes pricing strategies and sales targets for the hotel. 1.通过与总部联系,确保所有市场销售活动的顺利完成;Liaises with Corporate office to ensure execution and smooth flow through of all Sales & Marketing initiatives. 2.参与总部发起的市场销售活动; Participates in head office initiated sales and marketing events. 3. 保持与集团内各市场销售部门的沟通互动,很好拓展销售机会。Coordinates with all Sales & Marketing departments within the company to maximize sales opportunities. 4.针对目标市场组织本地及海内外销售拜访及产品展示;Conduct Domestic and Overseas Sales Trips and Trade Shows to target market. 5.在海内外各有关行业、社区推广酒店;Represents and promotes the hotel to all sectors in the community locally and overseas. 1.监督市场销售部各部门的整体运作以保证符合酒店及集团方向。 Monitor daily operations of each departmens of Sales and Marketing team to ensure the same direction of the hotel and the hotel group. 2.管理部门内部运作,保证部门设施完备,运行正常;Manages departmental changes and ensuring processes and required infrastructure are in plac 3. 监控市场销售部的部门及个人销售及服务业绩,以确保完成市场销售部各项指标(含客人满意度指标)。 Monitor S&M department and individual sales performance to ensure meet all S&M targets (including GSI). 4.督导及激励包括预定部在内的所有市场销售部员工为完成酒店经营目标而努力;To provide supervision, drive and motivate Sales & Marketing Team including reservations to achieve results. 5.不断检验和监督客户预订和网上订房情况, 监控并保持酒店良好网络公共形象; Constant review and monitor sales account and online activities and maintain good hotel image on the web. 6.管理特殊项目及其他相关业务;Manages special projects and other business related enterprises. 7. 通过拜访客户等,密切注视客户的活动及需求,必要时予以调整。Visit accounts with sales and monitors accounts activities,find the requirements and makes adjustments when necessary. 8.处理与客人的关系和提供所需服务,包括客户和客人的需求,酒店产品知识,销售效率,沟通能力及各类反馈信息含投诉;Manages guest relations and client services including guest and client need, product and service knowledge, sales effectiveness, communication skills and guest and client feedback/complains. 9.确保部门资源的高效利用;Ensures efficient utilization of departmental resources. 10. 控制部门各项耗费及预算;Manages departmental expenses and budget. .监督每月各类报表的制定;Monitor monthly outlook/forecast for rooms and catering. 2.确保文件及相关资料的存档;Ensures files, correspondence and other relevant business documentation are maintained. 3.每周例行召开市场销售会议以检验和评估酒店业绩,销售策略及市场细分策略,使酒店的经营利润达到最优化;Conduct weekly sales and revenue meeting to review & evaluate on hotel performance, pricing grid, sales strategies and distribution strategies methods to increase business for the hotel with maximum results. 4.召开月度、季度性会议以检验销售人员的表现;Conduct monthly quarterly sales performance meeting to review on sales personnel performance. 5.参加每周举行的市场传媒沟通会议以检验和集体讨论公关活动,客房及餐饮有关促销活动,保证酒店对国内外媒体的高度关注;To participate in weekly MARCOM meeting to review and brainstorm on PR activities, F&B and rooms promotions for the hotel, to ensure high awareness of the hotel in both local and international media. 6.出席部门总监每日例会及营运会议; Attend Department Head Daily Briefing and Operations Meeting. 1. 管理市场销售部门内部人力资源,包括选择招聘人员,培训部门员工,团队建设,员工表现评估等。 Manages human resources within the department including selection & recruitment, training & development, team building, staff performance planning and review. 2.确保为每位员工提供工作所需各种设备工具并保证有效运行;To ensure that all necessary working tools and equipment are provided to all staff in order to function efficiently. 3.确保部门所有员工了解各自工作职责; To ensure staff in the department is aware of their duties & responsibilities. 4.表扬和奖励工作优秀的员工Giving encouragement and praise for excellent staff.; 1.坚持酒店安全制度,熟悉财产安全、紧急救护及火警的处理程序。Be familiar with hotel safety, current first aid and fire emergency procedures. 2.熟知信贷政策 Is Fully aware of Credit Policy 3.遵守酒店及青岛尚美雅高瑞享的政策及程序。Abide by both the hotel and Mövenpick by Accor Qingdao Sunmei policies and procedures. 1. 充分了解酒店政策和程序,确保在酒店指导方针内安全的实施和传达 Demonstrate Awareness of OH&S policies and procedures and ensure all procedures are conducted safely and within OH&S guidelines and ensure your direct reports do the same 2. 知道所负职责,遵守职业道德,了解并遵守有关于职业健康和安全的法律和政策 Be aware of duty of care and adhere to occupational, health and safety legislation, policies and procedures 3.熟悉财产安全,急救,和火灾等急救状况的处理程序,会安全地操作相关设备 Be familiar with property safety, first aid and fire and emergency procedures and operate equipment safely and sensibly 4. 能及时阻止和通报潜在的危险并通知保安部 Initiate action to correct a hazardous situation and notify supervisors of Security Department potential dangers 5. 根据酒店要求,安全事件及意外事故的记录在案 Log security incidents and accidents in accordance with hotel requirements 6. 熟知各部门的安全制度并严格执行 Well know the safety regulations of all departments and strictly carry out it . 7. 确保饭店经营所需资金、物品安全,不流失、不受侵害; Be responsible of fund and goods safety for hotel operation and eliminate the payment loss. 8.采用一切可行的技防物防手段,加强安全防范; Improve safety and take the measures of guarding conducted by technology and combinations 9. 保证在酒店的人员人身,财产的安全 Ensure the safety of personnel and property in hotel 10. 防止发生危害国家安全和利益的非法集会、展览等政治事件; Prevent from allowing gathering, meeting and exhibitions which are deemed dangerous to nation, illegal, or in conflict of national interest 11. 防止发生经济合同诈骗,给企业造成损失; Prevent financial loss of hotel from business crime and fraud 12. 在策划大型销售活动中,要及时与保卫部沟通,制定安全方案; Keep in touch with Security Department when major sales activity happens and make contingency plan 13. 做好安全保密工作,保管好饭店客户档案,防止企业机密的泄漏; Ensure confidentiality of all hotel related business documents and clients details 14. 了解、掌握各种安全、危机应急预案,一旦发生问题,负责按照危机应急预案执行。 Understands and follows the guidelines of safety, Crisis Management and Emergency Management when problems arise.
  • 企业类型有限责任公司
  • 所属行业
  • 经营模式生产型
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